I am so happy and excited that this blog exists. Thank you for starting this! My name is Luisa, I am 24 years old and my son Esteban was diagnosed with Tetrasomy 9p, when I was 23 weeks pregnant.
Age: 8 Months
First Diagnosed: 6 months
Birth weight: 6lbs 11oz
Current weight: 16.5 lbs
Anomalies: * Mild Dialation of his heart's Aortic Root
* Single palmar crease
* Large fontanel
* Slow growth - 5th percentile in weight & 25th in height.
* Rolled Over at 3.5 months.
* Sat up at 8 months
* Started saying "mamama and papapa" at 8 months(1 week ago) From the moment he was born he has been a very calm and happy baby. He enjoys playing with his toys, hugging his cousins, and being held by mommie at all times :) I look forward to sharing all my experiences and stories with all of you!!!
Isn't he beautiful???? :) :) :)